Harris Health System is transforming the way we care for patients by creating the Center for Virtual Care. The vision is to build a bold, reliable and fully-integrated telehealth platform to ensure patients receive the right care at the right time and in the right place.
Unfortunately, many patients have barriers to accessing healthcare. Transportation, lack of childcare resources and inflexible work schedules are just a few of the factors that contribute to patients not seeking care. Virtual care/telehealth allows patients to access care at a place and time that works best for them. This increased flexibility in provider access incorporates an individualized approach to healthcare that focuses on the well-being of the patient as a whole.
Another advantage of the Center for Virtual Care is the incorporation of remote monitoring for our at-risk populations. This opt-in program allows patient-care teams to virtually monitor patients who check in through remote devices or apps on their smartphones. Healthcare providers receive data, analyze it regularly and are able to catch potential health problems before they turn into critical situations, keeping patients out of the emergency room and on the road to better health.
Harris Health is working with community partners to establish new access points throughout the community. Given the large size of Harris County and the infeasibility of having a physical clinic location in every neighborhood, increasing the number of technology sites for people to virtually connect with our healthcare providers will help close the digital divide some patients still face.
¿Cómo puede ayudar?
Mientras continuamos construyendo el centro de atención virtual, necesitamos aparatos tecnológicos como iPad, tabletas y dispositivos inteligentes para ayudar a nuestros pacientes con dificultades para obtener estos dispositivos. Esto garantizará que Harris Health ayude a los pacientes a mantenerse conectados con sus médicos y especialistas. Además, estamos buscando maneras de aumentar la cantidad de pacientes incluidos en el monitoreo remoto porque esta práctica mantiene a los pacientes más sanos durante períodos más prolongados.
Increasing access to care throughout Harris County is no small task, but it will make a big impact. To support the Center for Virtual Care, make your gift today and select the Center for Virtual Care.