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Omitir enlaces de navegaciónHarris Health Acerca de Consejo directivo Dr. Cody M. Pyke, JD, LLM, FCLM

Dr. Cody M. Pyke, JD, LLM, FCLM

Cody M. Pyke, MD, JD, LLM, FCLM, (she/they), is a non-binary transgender woman living in Houston, Texas. 

Pyke is a Fellow of the American College of Legal Medicine, a former executive member of the Board of Directors for the National Perinatal Association and an active author, lecturer, and speaker on health law and policy issues affecting people both in Texas and across the United States. In 2023, she became the first openly transgender person and first non-binary person to ever serve on Harris Health’s Board.

As a practicing attorney, she zealously represents her clients in a variety of civil litigation cases, and as a member of the Houston community, she brings that same zeal in advocating for health equity and intersectional justice in health care.

Pyke completed her undergraduate at Trinity University, medical doctorate at Baylor College of Medicine, juris doctorate and Master of Laws in Health Law at University of Houston Law Center, and her Master of Science in Bioethics Policy at Clarkson University.

Nombramiento original: Julio de 2023
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