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Robert King Hillier, MS

Senior Vice President, Public Policy and Government Relations

King Hillier is senior vice president of public policy and government relations for Harris Health System, where his professional work has primarily focused on Medicare, Medicaid and Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH), and other state and federal reimbursement policies. His experience working for Harris Health – the state’s largest safety net health system – has given him the fiscal and operational policy background to engage in fiscal and health policy development at both the Texas Legislature and the United States Congress. He has been recognized on both the state and federal level for his expertise on public hospital finance and operational issues.

Hillier also serves as Harris Health’s primary liaison with Harris County Commissioners Court for coordination on special projects and information requests by the county’s governing body. He has spent the majority of his career with Harris Health during two stints, 1984 to 1999 and then again since 2005. During his time away from Harris Health, Hillier worked at The University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston (UTMB) as the director of government relations, and in the Office of Legislative Relations for Harris County, Texas, where his duties included the management of policy issues and legislative matters. Throughout his career, he has been appointed and served on a number of political boards and commissions for local, state, federal, non-profit and trade associations.

Hillier has a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and a Master of Science in Health Systems from the Georgia Institute of Technology at Atlanta.
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