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Omitir enlaces de navegaciónHarris Health Acerca de Liderazgo Steven D. Brass, MD, MBA, MPH, FACHE

Steven D. Brass, MD, MBA, MPH, FACHE

Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Executive

Steven Brass is executive vice president and chief medical executive (CME) at Harris Health System. He is a board-certified physician who has previous leadership experience serving as chief medical officer at two large health systems: Providence Health and the flagship hospital for Adventist Health in Los Angeles, California.  

Brass earned his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and completed his training in neurology at the Montreal Neurological Institute affiliated with McGill University. 

He earned a Master of Public Health at Harvard University School of Public Health and a Master of Business Administration at the University of California-Davis Graduate School of Management. Brass is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.

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